先人から学ぶスノースポーツの精神論、100年以上もの日本のスキー史、世界から注目される日本の自然環境。Stuben Magazineは歴史ある日本の滑走文化を誇りに、雪国からの感性、創造力を発信するスノーカルチャーマガジンです。
Stuben is the name of a small village in Arlberg, Austria. Its terrain has long attracted skiers and it is the birthplace of Hannes Schneider, the man responsible for developing many alpine skiing techniques. The etymology of Stuben derives from Stube, a space for locals and visitors to gather together and converse around the heat of the fire. A place with many Stubes is known as a Stuben. The Stubes developed a rich culture; a place for locals and travelers to discuss skiing while resting bodies weary from traversing the harsh winter peaks. The worldwide dissemination of skiing philosophy and techniques originated from this area.
Stuben magazine is proud of Japan’s history and ski culture; this magazine is dispatched straight from the yukiguni (snow country) as a space to discuss the wonders of winter nature together, the essence of a Stube.
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渡辺洋一Yoichi Watanabe
1966年生まれ、北海道ニセコ高原在住。ウパシ プロダクション主宰。スキーヤーとして雪国に暮らし、雪を求め世界を旅して写真を制作。1990年代よりニセコの人々とパウダースノーを写真に収め、映像作品『ruwe』シリーズ、写真集『NISEKO POWDER』、専門誌や広告に発表。同時に国内外のスキーシーンを撮影し写真集『雪山を滑る人』を発表。近年は写真展「白い森」「後方羊蹄山を滑る」、写真集「BROAD LEAF SNOW TREE」など地元ニセコを題材にした作品を発表する。スキー史や雪国の風土をテーマに、さまざまな表現方法で発信を続ける。http://yoichiwatanabe.jp/
Born in 1966, resides in Niseko, Hokkaido. SuperViser of Upas Productions. He is a skier living in the yukiguni (snow country) producing photographs on his worldwide search for snow. Since his relocation to Niseko in the 1990s he has documented the people and the powder snow through photography; creating the video series ruwe, the photography compilation book Niseko Powder, and material for advertising and ski magazines.
During this time, he also created the book Gliders of the Snow Mountain documenting the domestic and international ski culture. More recent works utilize material from his local area, Niseko, including photography exhibitions Shiroi Mori (The White Forest), Shiribeshi Yama wo Suberu (Skiing Mt. Youtei) and the photography compilation book, Broad Leaf Snow Tree. He continues to publish various works exploring the history of skiing, the natural landscapes and cultural phenomena of the snow country.

尾日向梨沙Lisa Obinata
1980年生まれ、東京都出身。2002年 早稲田大学第二文学部卒業。同年、実業之日本社入社。スキー専門誌『POWDER SKI』『大人のスキー』『Ski』などの編集を担当、2013年より同雑誌の編集長を務める。年間滑走日数は約90日、現場第一主義で国内外各地の取材、執筆を続けている。旅や地域の魅力に焦点を当てた企画やスキーの文化的な記事を得意とする。書籍『冒険家』三浦雄一郎、『遥かなスキー』杉山進、写真集『雪山を滑る人』の編集も担当。2015年よりフリーランスとして、Stuben Magzineの編集を中心に、活動の幅を広げている。
Born in 1980, raised in Tokyo. She graduated from the Department of Literature, Waseda University in 2002 and joined publishing company Jitsugyo no Nihon Sha in the same year. She worked as an editor for magazines Powder Ski, Otana no Ski and Ski, becoming the editor-in-chief of these publications in 2013. She continues to write articles, spending about 90 days a year on domestic and international ski slopes gathering material. Her specialties include snow culture and tourism projects as well as writing articles on ski culture.
Other work includes editing the books Boukenka by Yuichiro Miura, Harukana Ski by Susumu Sugiyama and the photography compilation book Gliders of the Snow Mountains. She started freelance work in 2015.

ウパシ プロダクション
(ウパシ ギャラリー)
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